"Bookaboo is a literacy campaign camouflaged for kids and families as a music and entertainment show"
(Creator Lucy Goodman)

Less than half of families in the US read to their kindergarten age children on a daily basis
(from West et al. 2000)

Happy Films works with leading literacy charities in the UK, Canada and the US to distribute the books donated by the publishers whose books are featured

Parental involvement in a child's literacy practices is a more powerful force than ....social class, family size and parental education
(Flouri & Buchanan 2004)

Nearly 85% of juveniles facing court in the US are functionally illiterate
(from DoSomething.org)

1 out of 4 children in America grow up without learning to read
(from DoSomething.org)

"I am so glad Bookaboo is being made…….Parents who share the joys of reading with their children are giving them a very precious gift to last a lifetime."
(Jacqueline Wilson)